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Another Hummingbird Age Record
In July 2019 near Inkom, ID, Fred Bassett recaptured a female Black-chinned hummingbird he banded at that home in June 2008. That hummingbird was at least 12 years and 1 month old. It was the second oldest hummingbird ever documented.
New Hummingbird Age Records
June 1, 2018 near Ola, ID, Fred Bassett caught a female Calliope he banded as an adult in the same yard June 23, 2010. That bird is at least nine years old and is a new age record for Calliope hummingbirds.

June 25, 2018 near Inkom, ID, Fred Bassett caught a female Black-chinned he banded as an adult in the same yard August 8, 2008. That bird is at least eleven years old and is the second oldest Black-chinned ever found.

Florida - Canada Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Fred Bassett banded a male Ruby-throated hummingbird January 24, 2014 at a home in Lakeland, FL. That bird was found May 27, 2018 in Utopia, New Brunswick, Canada. It is the first wintering Ruby-throated encountered on its breeding area. Distance between banding and recapture was 1,700 miles.

White-eared Hummingbird banded in Mobile, AL
Monday November 9, 2015 Fred Bassett banded Alabama's first White-eared hummingbird at a home in Mobile. Pictures of the adult male can be seen at
Gravid Anna's Hummingbird in Idaho
May 30, 2015 Fred Bassett banded a gravid female Anna's hummingbird ten miles north of Council, ID. That bird is the first proof of Anna's hummingbirds nesting in Idaho. Pictures are at
Florida-California Rufous Hummingbird
Fred Dietrich banded a male Rufous hummingbird January 20, 2014 at a home in Tallahassee, FL. That bird was recaptured April 17, 2014 south of San Diego, CA right on the Mexican border by a bander. The bird was recaptured 1,900 miles west of where it was banded.
Costa's Hummingbird Banded in Tallahassee, FL
Fred Dietrich banded an immature male Costa's hummingbird in Tallahassee, FL December 13, 2012. Pictures of the bird can be seen at The bird is the second ever banded in the Eastern US and is a first state record for Florida. The only other one was banded in Montgomery, AL January 1, 2006 by Fred Bassett.
Broad-Billed Hummingbird Nesting in Alabama
Fred Bassett banded a female Broad-billed hummingbird November 28, 2011 at a home on Mobile Bay. April 12, 2012 that bird was found sitting on a nest. That is the first western hummingbird found nesting in the eastern US. Pictures can be seen at
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British Columbia to Alabama Rufous
Fred Bassett caught a female Rufous hummingbird on December 28, 2011 in Foley, AL that was banded July 19, 2011 near Dunster, BC, Canada. The distance between banding and recapture was 2,250 miles which is only exceeded by Fred Dietrich's Florida to Alaska Rufous.
Florida-Alaska Hummingbird
Fred Dietrich banded a female Rufous hummingbird in Tallahassee, FL on January 13, 2010. Five months later on June 28, 2010 that bird was caught by fellow bander Kate McLaughlin in Chenga Bay, Alaska. That bird set a new record for distance between banding and recapture for a hummingbird, over 3,500 miles.
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Adult Male White-eared Hummingbird

Gravid Anna's in Idaho

Mr. California

Immature Male Costa's

Alabama Nesting Broad-billed

Miss Canada

Canada to Foley AL


Miss Alaska

Tallahassee to Alaska
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